Terms and Conditions

RW Lifestyle  Ltd. is Registered in England & Wales: 15029180 I VAT Registration N/A

All orders for goods accepted by RW Lifestyle ("the Vendor") are accepted subject to the following conditions that shall form part of and govern the contract of sale.

Acceptance of goods shall be deemed to be acceptance of these conditions of sale. No agent or representative of the vendor has the authority to vary these conditions unless endorsed in writing by a Director of the vendor company.

Please note: All orders for products or services will be acknowledged but confirmation of the price shall at all times be when the order is accepted by the Vendor and such orders shall be shipped at the prices shown on the order acceptance which shall normally be the price or cost as shown on our Web Site on the date of the order. Up to date prices can be found on our Web Site which is continuously updated.

Terms: Orders are shipped with any delivery costs shown where appropriate.

These terms and conditions refer to rwlifestyle.co.uk and may differ slightly from in store.
1.Payment, Delivery and Price
1.1.Payment is to be made via credit or debit card or other method shown as acceptable on this Web Site and no other methods of payment are acceptable unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Vendor and no goods shall be dispatched until payment has been made to and accepted by the Vendor. Credit card companies may require address verification (your credit card billing address) or other security information on web site transactions. Any incorrect information given may result in a delayed or cancelled order for which the vendor accepts no responsibility.

1.2.The Vendor shall dispatch goods to the purchaser within 5 days of receipt of payment or shall notify the purchaser if goods are unavailable or if there is any delay which may result in goods being delivered outside this period. In the event of a delay being more than 28 days the Vendor shall offer the purchaser the right to cancel the order and shall make immediate refund to the purchaser of monies paid if the order is cancelled by the purchaser resulting from the delay.

1.3.In the event that any goods are unavailable the Vendor shall make a refund to the purchaser of monies paid or notify the purchaser if only part of an order can be fulfilled and offer the purchaser the opportunity to accept part of the order. If the purchaser accepts part of the order the Vendor shall make refund to the purchaser of monies paid relating to the unavailable goods only. If the purchaser declines to accept part of the order a full refund of monies paid shall be made by the Vendor.

1.4.Our policy requires 100% prepayment in advance for any orders made from this web site. Such payments are not refundable once the merchandise is ordered except as shown in these terms.

2.1.Liability for any claim for damage by the purchaser shall diminish with delay in notification to the vendor and the purchaser should notify the vendor of any damage to goods within seven days of delivery. This period may be extended at the sole discretion of the vendor or where the manufacturer's replacement policy extends the deadline.

2.2.The vendors liability may diminish in the event of a delay in notification by the purchaser to the vendor of missing items within a reasonable period from the date of delivery and such notification should be made within 28 days of delivery.

2.3.In the event that goods differ in quantity or description from those ordered the purchaser shall notify the vendor in writing within 28 days and failure to do so could diminish the liability of the vendor.

2.4.In the case of manufacturers who operate direct product support and returns procedures, the purchaser accepts an obligation to process their claim directly through the manufacturer.

3.Returned Goods
3.1.The vendor reserves the right to charge a fee on goods returned for credit which are damaged or not in stock condition where notification has not been given by the purchaser of any damage to the goods when making any returns.

3.2.The purchaser has the right to cancel the order and return any goods ordered via this website within 14 days from the date of delivery without incurring any charges apart from the cost of carriage subject to the goods being returned in stock condition with no damage and the vendor will refund the purchase cost upon receipt of the goods.

3.3.The purchaser shall unless otherwise stated be responsible for the cost of return of all goods to the vendor and the returned goods shall be at the risk of the purchaser until actual receipt of the goods by the vendor. The onus of proof of safe delivery shall rest with the purchaser.

3.4.All items claimed to be faulty or damaged dispatched for return to the vendor more than 14 days from the date of delivery and found to contain no fault will not be subject to a refund and may be returned to the purchaser. In the event it becomes necessary to recover goods which are not faulty the costs of recovery shall be the responsibility of the purchaser.

3.5.The vendor shall give a guarantee to refund to the purchaser full credit for any goods returned in stock condition provided they are dispatched for return within 14 working days of delivery which shall not affect the statutory rights of the consumer or purchaser under applicable consumer protection legislation which shall normally be laws or regulations in the Country of origin which for this web site shall be those of England or where superseded by those of the European Union.

3.6.No credit shall be allowed for goods until they have been received complete.

3.7.A full credit including carriage costs shall be given by the vendor to the purchaser in the event that goods are faulty or damaged at the time of delivery and notice of fault or damage is given by the purchaser to the vendor within 30 days of delivery.

3.8.A Full Credit will only be given on items dispatched for return within 30 Days from delivery where there are faults if such faults are not governed separately by a valid manufacturer’s warranty or under any other valid product warranty. The vendor will notify the purchaser of the existence of such warranties when contact is made with customer services.

3.9.Refused Shipments: Shipments returned marked refused will not result in refund and refusal of a shipment does not relieve the purchaser’s liability for paying any carriage charges incurred in the return of the goods to the vendor.

4.Consequential Loss
4.1.The extent of the vendor liability to the purchaser for any default or breach whatsoever and howsoever arising shall in no case exceed the invoice value of the goods and the vendor shall in no circumstances whatsoever be liable to the purchaser in respect of any loss or damage whether suffered by the purchaser or by any customer of the purchaser and whether direct or indirect consequential or howsoever arising except where the parties to the transaction could have contemplated such a loss at the time of the contract.

5.1.If any part of these terms and conditions shall be found to be unlawful it shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of the conditions provided the contract is capable of continuing without such terms and conditions.

5.2.These terms shall be deemed to have been made in England and shall in all respects be governed by English Law except where the statutory rights of consumers within the European Union are otherwise protected within the law of the state or country of delivery.

5.3.In respect of consumer statutory rights within the European Union these are unaffected by these terms and conditions.

6.General information
6.1.When you require Customer Services contact us via email at sales@rwlifestyle.co.uk

6.2.For us to give you customer service quickly please have the following information ready:

6.3.In the event of any complaint or customer care matter please call our Customer Support line or contact us via the email address shown and we will endeavour to resolve matters as rapidly as possible normally within five working days.

6.4.Our postal address for customer services is:

RW Lifestyle

6.5.We are confident that these procedures will enable us to offer you a better and speedier service. However, if you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us.

7.Consumer Rights
7.1.The terms and conditions listed for citizens of the European Union are determined by specific consumer legislation and the rights of the purchaser are governed by such consumer legislation. If there is any conflict between the Terms and Conditions of this Web Site and consumer legislation the rights of the consumer under the legislation will not be affected

8.Methods of Payment
8.1.EU residents pay the VAT inclusive price (VAT at appropriate rate, currently 20%). Non-EU/exempt pay the exclusive price.

8.2.Payment is only accepted by credit/debit card unless otherwise agreed with the vendor Visa Mastercard American Express Switch and Delta cards are acceptable subject to individual credit/debit limits and the authorisation policy of the card issuing organisations We cannot accept any responsibility or liability in the event that a card payment fails or is refused.

9.Suitability of Goods or Services
9.1.We do not warrant the suitability of goods or services for a particular purpose other than that illustrated within product/service instructions specifications or guides and purchasers should check specifications size and suitability before ordering.

10.1.Security on the transaction is protected by secure server process via Secure Trading. Specific security information may be obtained by calling customer support

10.2.Customer Service and support is available by using the online contact form on this Site. The cost of any telephone calls shall be at the applicable rate of the Country of origin. No premium rate telephone charges are levied by this organisation nor do we receive any share of any telephone call charges. The telephone lines are open normally Monday to Friday between the hours of 10-00am and 4-00pm GMT or BST depending on the time of year

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